Perverted Views of Anti-Developing Country(ADC) Environmentalists
Fanned by media support, the anti-developing country environmentalists seem desperate to compete for the limelight by making outrageous statements that could impart maximum damage to the image of products...
The Blame Game on Carbon Emission, Sustainability & Rainforest Conservation
The proposed Copenhagen Climate Change Summit in December 2009 has generated intense interests from the EU and USA to advance their initiatives on reducing carbon emission to fight...
Palm Oil Exploited to Fuel Culture of Lies
We live in a world that is littered with half truths, many of which are propagated by intelligent people. Have they ever wondered on the implications of their actions...
De-linking NGOs Concerns Over Deforestation and Palm Oil
1. A few years ago when oils and fats were cheaper than petroleum, the EU and USA rushed to promote the use of biofuels for various reasons. One not-so-frankly-revealed...
Sustainability of Palm Oil Production Revisited
I constantly receive invitations to speak at various seminars to explain the sustainability of palm oil production from Malaysia. Maybe it is confusing for the layman and industry...
The Science is on the Side of Palm Oil
Palm oil's success in penetrating the world market in a dominant way over the last three decades was due to its popularity for use in food and oleochemical sectors....
Creating a fine balance for development, food security and environment sustainability.
In the ongoing sustainability debate, it is important for a developing country to ensure a fair balance between the need to develop its economy, produce sufficient food for its...
Dialogue on Sustainability, Deforestation and Global Warming
The writer had the pleasure of chairing a joint Q&A session with the Hon. Malaysian and Indonesian Minister During a recent series of meetings between Malaysian palm oil delegation...
Carbon Emission Blame Game – Will the Real Culprit Please Stand Up!
The largest source of carbon emission leading to global warming is by burning of fossil fuels. The developed countries are the largest per capita emitters of carbon dioxide because...
How Much Agricultural Development is Right for a Sustainable Future of a Country
Current debate by some NGOs is tending to link agricultural activities with deforestation. To have a healthy debate, there must be some definitions. For example, what percentage of our...